A Wintry Affair! 8 Great Years & Love is in the Air! 10% off your order!

Revelle's Final Days


Hi, all

The good folks at Revelle Home Fashions have come a long way, and after 44 years in business, they have decided to close their doors permanently on the 31st of October.

We have had the fortune of working with this brand and their wonderful products over the years, and many a customer has come looking for something special and left satisfied with something from Revelle in hand. Proudly Canadian, dealing in quality fabric and exquisite designs, Revelle has been a reputable brand and favorite among our customers.

As of the 31st, we will no longer be able to place any orders with their factory, and will only have available what we already have in stock.

Browse through the Revelle collection we have, there might be something from this iconic brand that's destined for you.

Available while stocks last.

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